Sunday, December 6, 2009


My house on December 4, 2009
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Friday, December 4, 2009

All based on Snow*

So i really don't know you, Michael Smithwick. haha but Since you were nice enough to comment on the silly yahoo blog that i wrote way back in June, i decided to write a little something today...For one, cos its snowing and two...Well...Just because i should! haha

So I'm going insane with joy--seriously mad out of my mind-- over this whole magical, fantasy-looking thing we South-Texaners call 'snow'. We seldom ever see it...Guess cos the little snow fairies* are still a tad bit mad at us Confederates and decided not to send us any 'til they trusted us again... Ha! I know what you're thinking "Whoa,whoa, wait...Confederates? What the heck? That war-deal was like over two-hundred years ago!" Yeah, yeah, yeah...But remember--they like elves--have a life-expectancy that exceeds ours, by like what, several-thousand years or so? Forgive 'em for being off a couple hundred centuries. And well things have sure paid off. We are finally getting snow! We should be grateful! God knows I am. Anyway, I'm thinking this might not be so great for Clay's restaurant (surprisingly located on Clay road =). Word has been spreading around that they are gunna have a glorious "snow day" of their own, Inviting children of all ages under 12. And its really special snow too, imported from Siberia! ...(China owns some of that, right?) jk...I'm thinking this whole natural flaky-white-stuff [that is actuallyfalling from the sky] is so gunna steal their thunder! *tsk, tsks* Oh well, sucks for them...

Anyway, While Clay's is beginning to get all depressed, I am ecstatic! After all, its not everyday i get to ditch school cos my mummy wants me to take as many pics as possible (and i am not gunna convince her to change her mind). What is it about this wondrous snow? I am like a little child who has had ice-cream for the first time and is in total enthrallment! I have taken sooooooo many pics! Awesome pics! Beautiful Pics! Fantabulous pics! I did a mini-photo shoot of my sister outside--it looks really nice and i haven't even gotten to the editing part yet! So yeah, and its something about snow that brings people together! I was actually talking to several neighbours today! I live in a kinda 'keep-to-yourself-neighbourhood' so I hardly know anyone really. And there was this cool girl I met that i've never seen before! And she lives only three doors down! Anyway, she was pretty awesome, we made a snow man...But poor Bill fell collapsed from the cold before i could take a complete snapshot of him! If you took some really spankin'-awesome pictures, email them to me! I wanna see them!
So I'm pretty pleased with my blog for now, its not the "insanely epic" blog i was planning for, but since i did it on yahoo, i thought i'd just post it on here as well
...Ha! i really should do this more often. =)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ok, so i had a really lame blog before that I never used, but the other day my crazy-awesome bff told me she started blogging. ( So naturally I couldn't resist to read it! Anyway she inspired me to do one again...And here it is! So this is my [official] introductory blog. It will get better of course. I probably won't have too much time to spend on this 'new pastime' right now, but I'll do my best to be enlightening, entertaining, and somewhat 'educational'...I am, as a matter of fact working on my first "real" blog now. But since its going to be so insanely epic, it needs a bit of research, I wouldn't want to provide any misleading information (truthfulness does matter to me, unlike some people nowadays...) If you happen to come across my little site here, read my blog and like it, PLEASE leave a comment! ; ) Look forward to doing this...